Send an atheist to church!
Bid on a heathen's soul at Commonsmania!
All proceeds from winning bids will be donated to Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres providing international medical relief for natural disasters, including the recent Japan earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear waste crisis.
Are you really selling your souls?
Well, since atheists don’t generally believe in souls, no.
But even if we did, that’s not really what we’re doing. We’re actually selling
the chance to take an avowed
UMBC atheist to any church or religious event.
Why would atheists want to go to church?
At the SSA, we always keep an open mind about claims regarding the nature of our world, but are skeptical of belief systems and claims that don’t mesh with known reality. Churches often have a lot to offer to the community, and some religious services are really interesting whether one believes in the supernatural element or not. We’re not trying to be converted to any religion, and we’re not trying to de-convert anyone else. Taking an atheist to your church might open up a really interesting discussion for both parties. We promise to be polite and reasonable, and we expect the same from you, too!
What am I bidding on?
You can bid on the chance to take one of UMBC’s atheists to any church, religious, or spiritual service or event (not to exceed 4 hours) on campus, or within 20 miles of UMBC. If you win your auction(s), you’ll get a certificate that says your atheist will come to church with you by the end of fall semester, at a time that’s convenient for him/her and you.
Where does my money go?
All proceeds from winning bids and donations will go to Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres, providing medical disaster relief worldwide.
Can I donate without buying a soul?
What if someone is offended by this?
It’s all in good fun and for a great cause. We’re not really selling our souls, of course. If you don’t like it, don’t participate!