Over the weekend President Obama sat down with one of his biggest critics, Fox news’ Bill O’Reilly to discuss everything from the protests in Egypt to socialism and health-care.
The President spoke candidly about what he dislikes most about the presidency, saying “The biggest problem for me is being in the bubble. It’s very hard to escape.”
Politico commented on the interview:
“You’d be hard-pressed to find a more bitter rivalry … And no one expects one interview to change that. But there are a variety of factors that make the interview a possible win-win for Obama and Fox. The sheer size of the Super Bowl audience, O’Reilly’s history of giving the president a fair shake when he interviewed him as a candidate and the opportunity for Obama to look like a stand-up guy for stepping into the ring with a highly visible and highly vocal critic.”
Take a look and tell us what do you think.