Hands up all those who like to pay more for less?
Welcome to American college campuses!
Just when folks are suggesting that college tuition should increase, there are new studies suggesting American colleges may be getting dumber by the year.
We all know college is good for dorm parties, pizza, and ultimate frisbee.
Maybe that’s because today’s students are studying about ten hours less a week than their parents did 40 or 50 years ago.
In addition, students today seem to be taking easier classes.
“The study, by two sociologists, Richard Arum of New York University and Josipa Roksa of the University of Virginia, also found that half of the students surveyed did not take any classes requiring 20 pages of writing in their prior semester, and one-third did not take any courses requiring 40 pages of reading a week.”
Two theories are prevalent here. Either schools are dumbing down their classes for a lazier generation, or today’s kids are smarter and more productive than their parents.
Too lazy? Too productive? What do you think?