Halloween at one point and time was very simple. People dress up as witches, superheroes and etc.
But lately there has been a growing trend in ethnic costumes that rely on racial stereotyping in implicit and explicit ways.
For years now, groups have rallied against these costumes due the insensitivity to ethnic cultures.
The controversy is not limited to the US. In 2005, Britain’s Prince Harry dressed up as a Nazi creating a firestorm of criticism.
Opponents of this issue say that Halloween is a time for fun and suggest these costumes do not perpetuate racism.
But to many others the spectre of partygoers in blackface, or dressed as in ninja costumes, or in a cheap sombrero, not only misrepresent ethnic enclaves, but perpetuate unflattering stereotypes.
Halloween may be a holiday to some but it is not a holiday from America’s racial reality.
With all the great costumes available, people should have no problem finding great alternatives to the ethnically-charged garb.
What are your thoughts? What’s your costume this year?