Do you remember S.B. 1070, Arizona’s highly disputed immigration law?
Well, the disputed law is about to be disputed by the top disputers in the country…
The U.S. Supreme Court!
On Monday, the high court agreed to review the constitutionality of the law, which made headlines in 2010.
The Arizona law requires local police to try to determine the immigration status of people they detain during a traffic stop or for questioning if there’s a ‘reasonable suspicion’ that those individuals are in the U.S. illegally.
Under the measure, police are required to determine whether someone arrested is a citizen or legal resident before releasing him or her. The law also demands that foreigners have immigration papers in their possession at all times.”
The Obama administration argues that immigration control is the responsibility of the Federal government not local police.
Border states respond by saying the federal government is not doing its job controlling illegal immigration. They suggest laws like S.B. 1070 are meant to compliment Federal enforcement.
Others argue the law is an unfair attack on the Latino community. And, legal challenges and appeals from the Obama administration have already blocked several of the law’s key parts.
The Supreme Court is currently looking at two other notable cases which could also impact the 2012 election.
Do you think S.B 1070 goes too far?