If you are a Republican voter today… you have a diverse buffet of candidates to choose from.
But what if, for example, you’re not a fan of Romney or Gingrich? (the only real viable candidates at this point).
Well… all the way from Salt Lake City we have a contender for you!!! Please welcome John Huntsman.
He’s got the hair, the brains, the charm and yet he has so much more! (except poll ratings)
While some have called him Romney’s twin, in fact, the Utahian (Utahinite?) Mormon actually has a stronger conservative record.
Erick Erickson over at Red State, posted back in November that Huntsman has the most free market tax plan of any in the field (including, don’t make us say it, Cain’s 9-9-9 plan).
Interestingly, with regards to Huntsman, Erickson has been more flip-floppy than Romney. Back in May he wrote a post entitled Why I will Not Support Huntsman. Ever.
He writes:
The reason I will never, ever support Jon Huntsman is simple: While serving as the United States Ambassador to China, our greatest strategic adversary, Jon Huntsman began plotting to run against the President of the United States. This calls into question his loyalty not just to the President of the United States, but also his loyalty to his country over his own naked ambition.
But in light of recent events Erickson and other conservatives are beginning to give Huntsman a second look. “I think I might have to eat my ‘never ever vote for Jon Huntsman’ post,” he told the Daily Beast.
The former governor surely made some enemies among the GOP electorate with his environmental views and ultimately his claim that his party is anti-science.
His stigma thus far is that he is a moderate. But with his free market economic plan and his whole hearted endorsement of the Ryan budget he is as fiscally conservative as anybody in the field.
He seems like a good alternative. What do you think of Huntsman, could/should he be the nominee?