Find out if this is right for you.
Program Information:
The MARC U*STAR Program at UMBC supports talented undergraduate students from underrepresented groups who plan to pursue a Ph.D. and a research career in biomedical, behavioral or mathematical sciences research, and who have a demonstrated interest in diversification of the biomedical research workforce. The program supports full time juniors and seniors who intend to pursue a Ph.D. The program is not intended to support students who plan to pursue a MD only.
Trainees must maintain a
cumulative 3.2 GPA each semester to remain eligible for
participation in the program. Each Trainee will do a sustained
research project with a faculty researcher selected
according to his or her interests.
Is this for you?
MARC is seeking highly-able sophomores from UMBC and eligible students who
have transferred or plan to transfer to UMBC from community colleges
and other higher education institutions.
For consideration, eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:
♦ Be a citizen, noncitizen national, or permanent resident of the United States.
♦ Have a minimum of 60 university or college credits at the time of entrance into the program.
♦ Ability to earn an undergraduate degree from UMBC in a declared major in two years upon entering the
MARC Program, unless an exception is granted by the MARC Steering Committee.
♦ Have a 3.2 cumulative GPA with a major related to biomedical, behavioral or mathematical sciences
(Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Psychology, Biopsychology,
Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Environmental Science, Mathematics and Statistics,
Engineering, or approved interdepartmental studies.)
♦ Plan to pursue a Ph.D. and a career in biomedical, behavioral or mathematical sciences. (Students who
plan to pursue MD/Ph.D. will be considered.)
♦ Have outstanding SAT scores with a math score of about 600 or ACT of about 23.
♦ Submit letters of recommendation from two or more professors who taught one of your classes in the
Sciences, Psychology, Mathematics, or Engineering or with whom you have conducted research, who are
able and willing to comment on your potential as a biomedical, behavioral or mathematical sciences
♦ Clearly demonstrate an understanding of the value of a diversified biomedical, behavioral and mathematical
sciences research workforce.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Lasse Lindahl, Program Director ( or Dr. Jackie King, Assistant Director (