What is your opinion on how to improve Pakistan?
posted about 13 years ago
Salaam Everyone,
I was having a healthy discussion with a friend of mine on FB (a social network that is serving its purpose well finally. lol) and we were discussing on Pakistan as a nation and what should be done to improve it and what is taking place is wrong.
Those of you who are not aware of it but Pakistan as a nation has a history of proud and united people who took stands time and again against corruptions and corrupted leaders. We never let any third country stay on our soil for too long. In the recent days, NATO had a air strike on our soil and it angered the nation. Many will disagree with me when I mention the following (although it is no comparison) however when a country is attacked (like how USA was), everyone is united. Pakistan has been attacked and been under attack on the name of "terrorists." Our nation has been misunderstood from day one because of Osama. We fell in between Afghan-USA war and it has made a mockery of our people and our nation. We became unnecessary targets and world see as a threat due to misunderstandings, which caused terrorists to come forth and take advantage of the situation. Innocents were killed and are killed daily and yet other countries don't care and why should they? Today the nation is united because we have had enough of the corruption and other country's interference. No one has the right to come into our country when we are capable of building ourselves like we have had in the past. But the question is how and what can be done?
Just like any nation who is under attack from a third party, feels no one should step in and interferes, we as Pakistanis feel the same today. My opinion is that we can improve on our own and we do not need any other nation to come and attack as. We have endured enough and no more. We are not that weak of a nation that we are not able to rid of corruption in our country once again! this is my opinion.
This is a healthy debate and I hope you guys don't bring in anything irrelevant into this discussion.
We want your opinion.