Full Title: Telcordia to Open New Office at bwtech@UMBC Focused on CybersecurityContact:
Anthony Lane
(410) 455-5793
Telcordia, a global leader in communications software, will open an office at the bwtech@UMBC Research and Technology Park focused on developing tools to support and protect vital communications networks.
The company will join a growing cluster of businesses at bwtech drawing on the resources and information technology expertise of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) while building on the region’s strength in cybersecurity.
Telcordia, which works with Department of Defense agencies at both Fort Meade and Aberdeen Proving Ground, is the first major company to establish a presence in Baltimore County as a result of the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process that is bringing defense communications and other commands to Maryland. The Defense Department is also consolidating cybersecurity operations at Fort Meade with the stand-up of the U.S. Cyber Command and cyber commands for each branch of the military service.
“Maryland has historically played a significant role in the defense of our nation,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “With new military commands moving to Maryland as a result of the 2005 BRAC initiative and with the nation’s cybersecurity operations coming to Fort Meade, Maryland is at the forefront of efforts to protect our country from a growing range of threats at home, abroad and in cyberspace. We are delighted that Telcordia will be joining in this effort with other companies in Baltimore County and the state.”
“Telcordia has been heavily engaged with the cybersecurity community by ensuring and advancing the protection of critical infrastructure elements,” said Brent Greene, President, Advanced Technology Solutions, Telcordia. “bwtech with its cybersecurity focused programs and its local talent pool of highly qualified engineers, scientists and professors made our decision easy.”
bwtech is about 10 miles from Fort Meade, home to the National Security Agency (NSA), U.S. Cyber Command and, later this year, the Defense Information Systems Agency.
"Baltimore County is ideally located to see continued economic and jobs growth in both the public and private sectors as the nation develops new resources to protect critical information systems," said Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz.
Telcordia will be in the same building as Northrop Grumman’s Cync program, a new incubator that will nurture high-potential, early-stage companies as they develop tools to secure and protect the computer hardware, software and networks vital to national defense.
“We are thrilled that Telcordia will be part of an expanding group of companies at bwtech focused on cybersecurity,” said UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski. “Increasing collaboration between university researchers and industry partners is important to making computer systems and networks more secure.”
UMBC, www.umbc.edu, ranks fourth among U.S. research universities in the production of IT degrees and certificates, and it is the largest producer of such graduates among research universities in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia. The campus offers a master’s degree and a graduate certificate in cybersecurity, and it is rated a Center of Excellence in information assurance education and research. Thousands of UMBC graduates work in the intelligence community for key federal agencies and private partners.
bwtech@UMBC, www.bwtechumbc.com, located adjacent to UMBC’s campus, is a 71-acre research and technology community that is home to nearly 70 technology and life science companies in the Research Park and Incubator and Accelerator programs. Fifteen of these companies are in the cybersecurity area.
About Telcordia
Telcordia is the industry’s go-to expert for solving the most complex communications challenges. As the global leader in mobile, broadband, and enterprise communications software and services, Telcordia is known for getting it right the first time and for having the depth of expertise to fully understand our customers’ situation, respond appropriately, and deliver as promised. Telcordia enables communications service providers, suppliers and governments, to achieve brand differentiation, drive revenue, and deploy innovative, advanced services through its consulting, next-generation OSS, network and application interconnection, service delivery and charging, industry research, and new technology development solutions. Telcordia is headquartered in Piscataway, N.J., with offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia, Central and Latin America. (www.telcordia.com)
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