From Rebecca Rivera, Programming Co-Chair of B'More Proud 2014:
My name is Rebecca Rivera and I am the current Programming Co-Chair for the B'More Proud LGBTQIA Leadership Summit, which will be held at Johns Hopkins University on March 30th, 2014. The goal of B'More Proud is participation from members of the Baltimore community.On behalf of the planning committee, I would like to invite UMBC's Freedom Alliance to participate in the day-long B'More Proud LGBTQIA Leadership Summit. Registration is free, and we firmly believe that members of your student group would benefit greatly from the various breakout sessions and the resources fair that we will be holding. There will also be entertainment at the end of the day to allow our attendees to relax after an eventful day.
If you would like to get involved with B'More Proud by volunteering or hosting a breakout session look at the attached file that details information about those opportunities.
Visit to see more information and to register!