Summer Debate
We need to get started
posted over 13 years ago
To the subjects of His Excellency, The Debate President
Just kidding. On a more serious note, the school semester is about to begin pretty soon even as we bring to an end our summer activities. In light of that, we must begin our preparations to bring our house to other. With that being stated, we need to hold practices as soon as possible. However, I would rather us hold one or two practices with as much attendance as possible, than to hold several little practices with few people in attendance. As such I would highly appreciate everyone could make their availability for August, that we may hold a meeting hopefully sometime in the next few weeks. Topics that would be discussed at the debate will include planning for our first tournament, planning for involvement fest that we may possible add more debaters to our group, practice times fro the upcoming semester, etc. Please keep theses topics in mind and I will greatly appreciate any contributions towards the topic as well. Thank you for your consistent cooperation.
Le President