Hi everybody!
We have been informed that our website was grossly out of date. And also not actually communicating relavent information anymore. Since we were unable to make changes to the website, UMBC suggested, and I agreed to remove our website.
Instead of the website, we will use this group. The group is fully accessible to students, alumni, and guests. This switch will allow members and casual participants to keep up with club news, discuss happenings in the community (Did you guys hear about Baltimore's plans for a Japanese Culture Festival!?!?), and also share experiences. It will not replace the email list as a means of direct communication. For nominations, etc, email is the best way to contact us.
I am very excited about this group. It will make our club more visible on campus, attracting new, and returning members. Revitalizing our membership will ensure that UAS will continue to be a UMBC tradition for another 20 years.
Please let us know what you guys think about this! Will it make it easier to share anime suggestions for B.Y.O.A.? How about coordinate marathon committees? Or theme nights? I want to know.
I'll see you all tomorrow!
~Margaret Barnett