Hello Everyone~
If you're currently subscribed to our mailing list, you probably already know what this is about. However, just in case...
There's a really cool HvZ opportunity that's being hosted off-campus at the beginning of this Fall semester!
The original creators of HvZ are hosting a large game in Havre de Grace, which is really close to UMBC!
It's an all-day event on September 14th (Saturday), and it requires registration through their website to participate.
Registration costs $35 if you register before the end of July, but the price increases as the event date gets closer.
You can find a lot more information at their website -- http://humansvszombies.org/outbreak
It looks like a really fun event, and we'd love it if a bunch of us went to play!
If you're interested in attending this event, we're trying to see whether we should arrange for transportation within the club.
E-mail us at umbchvzofficers@gmail.com if you'd be interested in getting a ride, or if you could provide a ride for other people.
Happy Summers!
~UMBC HvZ Officers~