Idea's to Help Keep the Game Fun and Interesting
posted almost 15 years ago
So I have a few ideas that I think would make 2 week games different:
1. Bring back medkits, before I think they were abused, but now I think they should be brought back to increase the game length.
2. Release Zombies and Humans at the same time, but not from the same location.
3. Wait till the zombies leave to their release point before telling the humans their objectives. This means all zombies know is they have to go find and kill the humans. Many times Zombies will look for the objectives and many times camp the objective, this discourages humans from approaching the objective which can ruin the fun for both sides.
4. Zombie Objectives. Have the zombies guard an area of no consequence to the humans, and if humans wonder through it all zombies are stunned. This discourages camping of human objectives and gives humans a random chance of getting lucky, just don't tell the humans if there is one and where it is or what it is. Therefore if zombies complete their objective they get their reward, and if humans get theirs done, humans get their reward, or no reward for failing. This also removes punishment for failure.
5. More Visible. Make the objectives and items easier to find, I know there as been an attempt at this but keep working at it. Glow sticks were a great idea, also public area, or just informing the humans rough areas or clues, like its in academic row, or something. I know when I am a human the hardest part is just searching randomly hoping you find it, versus an area. If like supplies are supposed to be "dropped" from a storyline perspective you would know roughly where they land.
I am not trying to overstep my boundaries or say anything against anybody, just sharing my ideas.