Praised be Jesus Christ!
It is a true blessing to announce our new Speaker Series. St. Augustine is a Saint and theologian who shows through his life and writings that faith applies to all aspects of our lives: our souls and actions, our relationships, our work and studies, as well as personal, cultural, religious (of course!) and political events. With his example and asking for his prayer, our speaker series will be a chance to dive deeply into what Jesus Christ and the Church offer to each of us, and how He fulfills His promise to give us abundant life.
The speakers will begin after the Wednesday 5:15pm Mass and will present during dinner, beginning at about 6:15 as everyone gets settled. All presentations will be in the Interfaith Center, unless otherwise noted. In the coming days, please look for more details of the following on the Events tab of the myumbc group and on our facebook page.
Here is our Fall line-up:
Wed., October 5 - Theology of the Body, Part 1 -- Donna Moga
Wed., October 12 - Theology of the Body, Part 2 -- Donna Moga
Wed., November 2 - Catholic Evangelization - Pete Ascosi
Wed., December 7 - Holiday Goodwill and the Faith - Speaker TBA
Looking forward to seeing you there!