Dear Friends in Christ,
What a great gift the Lord has given in our faith and the great family of the Church! With the Church, we know that we are not alone!
So - this weekend come spend time in fellowship and faith with your brothers and sisters, starting with...
FRIDAY (in the Harbor Multipurpose Room)
An Evening with J.R.R. Tolkien
6:30pm - Ice Cream Social
7:00pm - Talk: "Tolkien's Letter on Marriage, and the Virtues of Courage and Friendship as Seen in The Two Towers."
7:30pm - Movie: "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (extended edition)
SUNDAY (at Arbutus United Methodist Church, adjacent to campus)
4:15pm - Confessions
5:00pm - The Mass!!!
6:00pm - Free Dinner
7:00pm to 8:30pm - Eucharistic Festival of Praise - a time of prayer, song, and quiet meditation before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Confessions will be heard at this time, as well.
What great ways to come to know Christ and His Church in a deeper way and for fellowship and friendship. Many blessings on the rest of your week and I hope to see you this weekend! All are welcome!
In Jesus our Joy,
Fr. John