Summer Hours for the Mosaic Center begin the week of June 6 and run through the end of August.
Our Summer Hours are: Monday - Friday: 10am-3pm
The Mosaic lounge space will be available to students, staff, faculty and their visitors on a "first come, first seated" basis. Free coffee, tea, and periodic snacks will be available during this time.
Special Note:
We will have very limited staffing through the summer. Both Krutika Karveershettar, our Graduate Coordinator for Cultural Programs and Joe Levin-Manning, our Graduate Coordinator for LGBTQ Programs will be away at off-campus summer internships until mid-late August. Therefore, the Mosaic will be closed periodically throughout the summer to accommodate remaining Student Life staff meeting and leave schedules.
Lisa Gray, Assistant Director of Student Life for Cultural and Spiritual Diversity will still be available to meet and connect with community members 9:30-5:30, Monday - Friday.
We will have very limited staffing through the summer. Both Krutika Karveershettar, our Graduate Coordinator for Cultural Programs and Joe Levin-Manning, our Graduate Coordinator for LGBTQ Programs will be away at off-campus summer internships until mid-late August. Therefore, the Mosaic will be closed periodically throughout the summer to accommodate remaining Student Life staff meeting and leave schedules.
Lisa Gray, Assistant Director of Student Life for Cultural and Spiritual Diversity will still be available to meet and connect with community members 9:30-5:30, Monday - Friday.
Feel free to email Lisa at or via the campus Google Calendar to schedule meetings throughout the summer!