Sorry for all of the emails today, conference is a lot to coordinate. Anyways, this is for anyone who has ALREADY registered for conference. See the other post for instructions if you have NOT registered yet.
We will be reimbursing up to $90 for registration costs for the first 20 members that submit an e-travel form. This needs to be completed BEFORE conference. The E-Travel will be completed now and supporting documents i.e. receipts will be submitted after conference.
1. DOWNLOAD the Instructions I have attached to fill out the form. Make sure to enter the amount that you paid for registration, not just $90.
2. EVERYONE needs to complete the liability form, I have also attached, and email it to before the conference. You are representing our chapter so we need to make sure you stay safe and smart!
3. If you are DRIVING to conference, you will need to include mileage in your estimates for the E-Travel form. You need to help drive others (sign-up in the carpool) in order to be eligible. You can estimate an additional $124 (this is (111*2) miles * $0.56 per mile). If you paid for other travel i.e. bus or train already, you can be reimbursed for it as long as your total does not exceed $90 (for example, you spent $35 on registration, $55 of that could go towards your transportation). This will not apply to anyone who books travel after this post date since we now have carpool options.
Email with any questions or concerns
Thank you!!!