Hi all,
If you are registered for the Region E Conference (Feb.19th-21st) and would like a reimbursement, we are offering to cover the cost of early registration ($55). Please complete the following steps to receive said reimbursement:
1. Email Susan Martin (susan@umbc.edu) with a time for a meeting before the conference to fill out an e-travel form. Here is the link to her calendar:
2. Email her a pdf of the conference registration confirmation/receipt.
3. Print and bring with you to the meeting a completed liability form (attached to this post).
4. If you are a driver then you can be reimbursed for travel costs. Print and bring a map that displays the miles from campus to the conference location.
Lastly, here is the link to sign-up for the carpool:
Thank you for your cooperation. We hope that everyone can have a safe and exciting trip!