Thanks to Zachary Davidson, Program Assistant of NYU Sustainable Initiatives, for transcribing this session! Join the AASHE 2011 Transcription Project and help spread the great ideas presented at the conference!
Break-out Session Presenters:
Rebecca Schroeder, University of Pittsburgh
Eva Resnick-Day, University of Pittsburgh:
Rebecca: Sr. at U Pitt
Eva: A green fund is…
- a set of $ set aside for Sustainable projects on campus
- comes from students
- projects are proposed by students
Rebecca: Importance:
- increase a campus’ sustainability
- provides savings
- provides for communication and collaboration btw students and admin
Rebecca discusses student’s role in understanding sustainability on campus
- 24 hr existence there gives them an advantage
Eva: Green Funds empowers students to make change, and gives tangible skills post-graduation
Rebecca: Where the $ comes from?
- Student activities fee, additional fee on tuition (automatic, opt-in, opt-out)
- Automatic pros: you know what you’re giving
- Opt-in: Advantage is that it’s a choice
Eva: Other Sources: relevant academic depts.. FM & housing
Rebecca: donations, fundraising (not best for all $) but good enough, outside grants (seed funding but not good for sole source)
Eva: Turning your green fund into a revolving loan fund
- $ not used can be saved year to year
- Pay-back from projects can’t be correlated just to your investment
Rebecca: Benefits of Green Fund
Real World Project Management experience
Compliment to the academic curriculum
Gives legitimacy to demands of student greeners b/c shows viability of their ideas
Eva: Public recognition to the university
Rebecca: Example of Community Benefit
- Purchased a composter for an urban garden which was used not only by the school but also by the university
Rebecca: Starting a Green Fund
- Beneficial Steps:
- Research: Talk to other schools
- Create a Coalition: Identify allies (talk to relevant departments, students, faculty, staff)
- Create an official structure of the fund (how will you get and give your fund) – Use resources from other institutions with established funds
- Develop a campaign strategy and pitch your structure
- go to the top and the bottom
- get not only student but also administration buy in
- Implement Your Program
- run a pilot program – you can workout the kinks – add this to your frame work – this allows you to evaluate
Eva: Campaign at Pitt
- From a vision and a coalition they went to student government board, who had institutional knowledge
- They didn’t want to go to the Media until they talked to their university administration
Rebecca: After a massive support base
Student Govt. passed a resolution
Rebecca: Student Sustainable Projects Committee:
- Solicit project proposals from students
- These students then decide which projects are the most sustainable
- Committee connects the projects with relevant facets of government
Eva: Progress of the Pitt Green Fund
Created a Handbook (which was institutionalized by Office of Experiential Education)
Go Green Signs (awareness of impact of small personal decisions)
Lo-Flow Aerator Pilot for sinks (reduces water use by 77%) and then was institutionalized for all dorms