First Year Ambassador (FYA) Program - The First Year Ambassador Program serves as an introduction to the Student Government Association (SGA) at UMBC and provides training so that new students are equipped to tackle any problems they recognize at UMBC. Each FYA is responsible for attending five one-hour training sessions over the course of five weeks and a regular FYA meeting once every month. Additionally, each FYA will receive a placement in one of the following branches of the SGA:
- Executive Branch - The Executive Branch is organized into departments: Environmental Affairs, Health & Wellness, Communications, Leadership Developement, Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Academic Affairs, Service and Community Outreach, Governmental and Institutional Affairs. Each First Year Ambassador learns about the expectations and responsibilities of a staff member in a department while going through training, and then solidifies his or her placement for the remainder of the semester at the end of the training period.
- Senate - The Senate meets every Monday at 5:30 PM in the Commons, Room 318. Senate members are responsible for connecting with other students, sitting on University committees, taking positions on university policy issues, and initiating projects to improve the undergraduate experience.
- Finance Board - The Finance Board meets every Tuesday at 5:30 PM in the Commons, Room 318. Finance Board members are responsible for allocating funds to student organizations to support their programs and events.
Applications for the Spring 2015 cohort are due Friday, February 13th, at 11:59PM.
If you have any questions, contact Bentley Corbett (, the Director for Leadership Development. Thank you!
Click the button below for the application.