Hey There!
We're looking for people interested in running to be part of the RSA Executive Board as our Director of Events.. This is a great opportunity for people looking to put on purposeful programming, collaborate with other organizations and those who know what goes into making an event successful. A more in depth job description is below, if you have any questions or would like to schedule a time to go over the position please contact the RSA President, Phoebe Barnes at pbarnes1@umbc.edu.
Put your name on the ballot by September 22nd.
To apply follow the link to the website below!
Qulaifications: Residential Student
Job Description:
-The DOE will act as adviser for all major RSA events (i.e. Block Party, Midnight Breakfast, etc.).
-The DOE shall be responsible for gathering volunteers for events
-The DOE shall work as an event adviser to Community Councils when needed.
-The DOE shall be responsible for all advertising efforts undertaken by RSA.
-The DOE shall be responsible for tracking progress of major RSA events, as well as evaluating their success and determining means for possible improvement for future reference.
-Must be able to commit to 5hours /week to the postion (at minimum, when a event happens sometimes the hours are longer for preparation)
-Attend the General Business Meeting, Mondays @ 6pm
-Attend the RSA Executive Board Meetings, Wednesday at 12pm
-Term is the until the end of the academic year