Winter Commencement ceremonies are fast upon us and we need your help! We are short volunteers. Every year, it is always the volunteers that help make the day great for our graduates and their families. Please join us in the celebration and volunteer!
Wednesday, December 21 — Graduate Ceremony (2 ushers still needed)
Thursday, December 22 — Undergraduate Ceremony (many positions still needed)
To volunteer, visit You can choose from a variety of jobs, including Greeter, Usher, Line-ups, Overflow seating, and Special Accommodations.
Also, you can watch the livestream at and tune in through social media using #UMBCgrad.
Wednesday, December 21 — Graduate Ceremony (2 ushers still needed)
Thursday, December 22 — Undergraduate Ceremony (many positions still needed)
To volunteer, visit You can choose from a variety of jobs, including Greeter, Usher, Line-ups, Overflow seating, and Special Accommodations.
Also, you can watch the livestream at and tune in through social media using #UMBCgrad.