My name is Dana and as a current intern at Nestle Purina PetCare. I have an exciting opportunity to share with you and your fellow ODK members! I have had a great experience with Nestle Purina and thought that you might want to forward this email along to your members.
Nestlé Purina is currently seeking college Juniors and Seniors for our internships and entry-level jobs.
For our Summer 2011 Internships, we are seeking College Juniors in the following disciplines:
- Audit
- Customer Service
- Sales
- Supply Chain
- Veterinary Sales
For our Full-time Management Trainee positions, we are seeking College Seniors in the following disciplines:
- Accounting
- Engineering
- HR
- Production
- Quality Assurance
Click here to view our open positions, or visit our Facebook page to interact directly with our recruiters
As your chapter’s leader, please forward this email to your fellow ODK members. This is a great opportunity that they won’t want to miss. Job postings will be removed from our website on October 4th, so apply now!
Dana Maedge
Talent Sourcing
Nestle Purina PetCare Company
Checkerboard Square 5T
St. Louis
(314) 982-4867
Encouraging students to take the right first step along their career paths.
Visit the links below to learn more and interact with our company.