Coloring Outside the Lines: Exhibitions That Cross Boundaries
Proposals due January 4, 2016
The fall 2016 issue of Exhibitionist (soon to be Exhibition) invites proposals about hybrids, crossovers, and combinations: exhibitions that—by mixing things up—push boundaries, convey content in novel ways, provide unique visitor experiences, provoke new ways of looking, and lead us in new directions (and/or to new audiences).
Topics might include (but are not limited to) interdisciplinary exhibitions (for example, combining art, science, natural history, history, etc. in inventive ways); exhibitions that incorporate performance in a unique fashion; or spaces that walk a narrow line between program and exhibition (such as, for example, maker spaces).
The exhibitions (or installations) analyzed can be of any size, and take place in any of a variety of spaces: museums of all disciplines, historical sites, galleries, institutions that collect and display living collections, outdoor public spaces, or other environments. Proposals should indicate what approaches, strategies, or knowledge readers will take away from the article. In addition, if a proposal focuses on a single project or institution, it should raise questions or throw light on larger issues that are widely applicable.
Proposals might come from designers, developers, interpretive planners, curators, architects, educators, collection managers, or others who create and contribute to exhibitions. Submissions from colleagues and students around the world are welcomed and encouraged.
Deadlines and Information
Proposals due January 4, 2016, 250 words maximum. Briefly describe 1) your proposed article; how it relates to the issue’s theme; and what approaches, strategies, or knowledge readers will take away from it and 2) your background and your qualifications for writing the article. Proposals will be vetted by our editorial advisory board, and you will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance.
Once accepted, completed articles—with four to five high-resolution images, captions, and credits—will be due March 30, 2016 (2,000 words maximum). Your article will be returned to you with comments and edits by the Exhibitionist editorial advisors and editor. Final articles will be due in early July 2016.
Please send all submissions (as Word documents) via email to:
Ellen Snyder-Grenier (, Editor, Exhibitionist.