Hey All,
The Media Communications Council of Majors just received MCS T-shirts, and some are up for grabs!
If you want one and the chance to participate in the election of the Council's next Executive Board and the creation of the Council constitution, please attend the next council meeting on Friday, May 9th at noon in Sherman Hall's Room 219.
To receive a T-shirt, you can either run for a position or help revamp the 2014-2015 Council of Majors Constitution during the meeting.
If you are interested in running for any of the following positions please contact me at Ksmith13@umbc.edu by May 7th with a short paragraph on why you would be the best for the position.
Positions are as follows-
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Treasurer
4. Secretary
5. Media Coordinator
6. Events and Liaison Coordinator
If anyone needs further information on the positions please email either me, Kaitlin Smith (ksmith13@umbc.edu) or Denise Rivera (Denise9@umbc.edu) for more information.