Alienware BG Team 2
posted about 13 years ago
So there hasn't been any significant communication between Team 2 players so I guess I will just post it here. I am still planning on registering for a team into the alienware bg tournament. So far I have
And no idea about the others... I haven't seen anyone on recently other than these guys. If you guys still want to join or drop out let me know. I also don't want a lineup where there's like 10 people.
We need a team name and for whoever that wants to play to register into the website as I will be setting up a team probably today. We also NEED to practice.
I am available anytime M,W,F,Sa,Su, and nights on Tu,Th. Contact me in game or e-mail me. My IGN is flaw1ess, and my e-mail is
Anyone want to provide some names for the team?
I was thinking...
Rebel Gaming... but that's just me.
Also, to team 1, do you guys know the difference between the Open division and Invite division? I'm guessing its much harder right.
Let's get to it as the season has already started.
Watch and Read.!!
(edited about 13 years ago)