Guess what..
posted about 13 years ago
VICTORYY for Team AOB on our second legit game I believe which surprisingly more than half the team actually showed up for. On the team was:
Me as Support Alistar
Platinumkaizer as mid Kassadin
Daberidge as jungle Udyr
Akashaa as ad carry Ashe
Herp Derpingston as solo top Tryn
Things went quite smoothly once our carries became fed and the game itself wasn't as difficult as we all had expected. We made them rage surrender at about our 2nd baron kill cuz we're that pro. jk it was a great game both ways and we're certainly expecting to see more of this in the future. As far as dominion goes, we raped them. Final score was 0-365 or something around there. Thanks to those who showed up but couldn't get to play and good job to those who participated today.