UMBC Allstars Update!
been awhile, so here is whats up!
posted about 13 years ago
I figured its been a couple weeks since I have updated the loving, SUPER active UMBC community about what the UMBC Allstars are doing. Here is our update.
So Week three we played an intense game against Virginia Tech. Sadly we lost the game. They played an unusual team comp and just simple out picked us. We could have beat them but we had some communication issues and we were just frankly off our game due to lack of practice. We are trying to step up our practice amount to make sure another stupid loss does not come our way. However, we were able to DOMINATE team CT from Eastern Mediterranean University yesterday making our IvyLoL record 3-1.
We have improved our ESL Record even more to to 5-1-0. This means 5 wins, 1 draw (neither team showed up), and 0 losses. Friday night we beat the 9th ranked team. We are currently in 4th place on the ladder. This coming weekend we have a match against the 3rd Place team as well as the 1st place team. Wish us luck!
We have some additions to our roster I'd like to welcome! First, we have UMBC's own BillyisCool. Billy joined the team about 2 weeks ago after putting up some impressive numbers in some scrimmages and ranked games. He is an AD carry and we are pleased to have him on the roster.
We also added a backup Support. He does not go to UMBC but will be transferring here next year from his community college. He will be joining the team's ESL ladder until he is at UMBC.
Our 3rd addition is Nomad. He is also a local player but does not go to UMBC sadly. He was added to our ESL roster and is a backup jungler/solo top. Solid player and is getting better every day. His eagerness to learn, his awareness, and his callouts is what caught our attention!
We are still looking for 1 to 2 more players for the team. If interested, msg me in game (thyAshes)
I have recently filled out a sponsorship application for the new gaming organization AcXess Gaming. They are currently sponsoring some Gears of War 3 and Halo team but are looking to expand. Hopefully we get accepted!
Team Name!
We are looking for a new team name. As much as we like being Allstars, we want something a little more Bad Ass sounding. If anyone has ideas and wants to comment them, feel free. Please, serious suggestions only, don't troll :( .
We are still looking for teams to scrimmage against. We have made friends with a few teams from ESL and I am currently talking to Jatt from team Dignitas about setting up a scrimmage which would be huge for us to be able to do. Sadly, he told me their team is rarely all on but said that they would be willing to if they were available. If any other team would like to set up a scrimmage, feel free to message me in game!
Thats about it guys. I will try to do a better job keeping everyone updated. Thank you for reading, and please tune in to my stream whenever you can. I stream whenever I play! Thanks!