The English Department at Indiana University invites proposals on the symposium theme, “Digital Rhetoric: Perspectives and Definitions.” The theme is intended to foster conversations around what constitutes digital rhetoric in order to explore the myriad perspectives at work in, and coming to bear on, digital rhetoric. This event will be comprised of two keynote speakers, fifteen invited presentations, and 7-9 speakers selected from submissions to this CFP. Dr. Jody Shipka of the department of English at UMBC is one of the selected speakers for this symposium.
Focal areas might include:
- Definitions of digital rhetoric
- Digital rhetoric and the history of rhetoric
- Key perspectives on digital rhetoric
- Digital rhetoric practices, protocols, pedagogies, or performance
- Digital rhetorics and digital aesthetics
- Digital and rhetorical methodologies
- Digital rhetoric and new materialities
- Digital rhetoric and being digitally-abled
- Digital rhetoric episteme, doxa, and ontological conditions
Select conference papers will have the option to be published as part of a special issue of Enculturation.
Confirmed Speakers
- Elizabeth Losh (Opening Keynote)
- Collin Brooke (Closing Keynote)
- Annette Vee
- Thomas Rickert
- Kathleen Blake Yancey
- Byron Hawk
- Casey Boyle
- James Brown Jr.
- Anne Wysocki
- Sarah Arroyo
- Jody Shipka
- Laura Gurak
- Doug Eyman
- Lydia Wilkes
- Jeff Rice
- Nathaniel Rivers
- Bill Hart-Davidson
For detailed information about the symposium theme and the submission guidelines, please visit the CFP website.