Hey guys!
Here are the announcements from large group this week.
- Large Group: We're back in Meyerhoff 030 at 7:30 for the rest of the semester. Next week our speaker will be Galen Zook and he will be kicking off our new series!
- Senior Dinner: Tomorrow, October 25th seniors are welcomed to fellowship with dinner together in the Interfaith Center at 5pm. We will be talking about all the scary parts of being a senior and preparing for our post-grad futures!
- Urbana: This year InterVarsity will be having it's national missions conference (happens every three years) from December 27-31st in St. Louis, MO. It will be a powerful time of discernment of how God can use you in your unique giftings to make a major impact in the world around you. For more information go to www.urbana.org. Scholarships are available and we will be continuing to do fundraisers to make sure everyone who wants to go can.
- Bake Sale: This is one of those fundraisers! On this Monday, October 26th from 11am-2pm we will be having a bake sale in the breezeway to help raise scholarship money for people to go to Urbana. If you would like to help bake or run the table please let me know!
- Small Groups: It's never too late to get involved with a small group as a way to go deeper with a group of people both in the Bible and in relationships. Here is the list of small groups:
- Susquehanna: Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
- contact: schurch2@umbc.edu
- Chesapeake: Mondays @ 7:30pm
- contact: seth8@umbc.edu
- Patapsco: Mondays @ 7:30pm
- contact: adebayo3@umbc.edu
- Athletes: Tuesdays @ 8pm
- contact: gerhold1@umbc.edu
- Commuter: Wednesdays & Fridays @ 12pm
- contact: spliedt1@umbc.edu
- Potomac: Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
- contact: jdaniel1@umbc.edu
- Honors College: Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
- contact: z17@umbc.edu
- Grad Students: Tuesdays @ 7pm
- contact: meganc07@gmail.com
Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing you all at our events! :D