Special Topic "IS 498: Data Analytics for Cyber Security "
Dr. Vandana Janeja
Semester - Spring 2016 - M/W 1:00-2
Prerequisite: IS 147 and IS 410
Cyber attacks pose an increasing threat to the nation's critical infrastructure including computer networks, cyber physical systems such as industrial control systems, sensor networks to name a few. This course will be geared towards understanding the cyber security arena and the relevant technological challenges and potential solutions. It will introduce key topics in data analytics relevant for cyber security and will deal with practical applications where these can be used. Other specific topics will include categorizing cyber threats and types of solutions, understanding vulnerabilities, Intrusion detection systems, federal initiatives, Data analytics for cyber security, case studies in using data analytics for cyber security, hands on tools for discovering cyber security threats.
This course can be used to satisfy the third programming course requirement for the IS major. This course will be part of the cyber security certificate, which is planned to be offered in the next year.