Meeting Date: Wednesday, Sept. 11th, 2013
Time: 12-1PM
Time: 12-1PM
Location: Sondheim 108
Scribe: Mary Anne Dalanon
- Number of Attendees: 17
- Officers present:
Molissa, President
Shanelle, Vice President
Mary Anne, Secretary
Brooke, Public Relations Officer
II. Mission and Goals of GES CoM
- To provide career and networking opportunities
- To involve students in service elements and projects relating to GES
- To provide information about GES academics (class resources, professor contacts, etc.)
- To encourage GES students to get to know other students in their majors
- To encourage involvement in on and off-campus social/academic events
- Survey for events and meetings will be emailed
- Meeting dates will be changed due to conflicting events at Free Hour
- Meeting dates determined by majority vote during meeting: biweekly, Tuesdays from 4-5PM or Fridays from 1-2PM
- Discussed what will occur during meetings
- Every other meeting will be a "social" meeting
- Planning committees for events to be organized in later meetings
- "Doodle Poll" will be used to vote on events and dates of events
IV. Brainstorming Session/Ideas for Events
- Volunteer opportunities
- Haley proposed a volunteer opportunity working with kids in an after school program
- Guest speakers
- Panel Night(s)
- GES Dept. members
- Alumni speakers
- Grad students
- "GES Study Parties"
- Students get together for study sessions for midterm and/or final exams
- Movie screenings
- Outdoor/weekend activities
- Kayaking
- Hiking
- Rock climbing
- Informal socials between professors, graduate and undergrad students
- Expose students to internship/research opportunities
- "GES Rate My Classes/Professors"
- Opportunity for students to discuss classes they have taken or will take
- Recommendations and advice for courses
- Collaborations with other UMBC organizations
- Volunteer clean ups with UMBC SEA
- Habitat for Humanity
- UMBC Community Garden
- Next meeting: TBA
- Special thanks to: Brooke and Molissa for providing attendees with meeting snacks