2-26-14 General Meeting Minutes
Project Updates:
Zombie Survival:
-Going swell, yaay organization, yaay menu
Project Jack:
-Added a game mode, something something progress, something something dark side
EMT Merci:
-Coding roles assigned, trying to find someone for gui work
LeEK Engine:
-There is sound and a hierarchy of objects
-April 23rd 12-2
-April 26th 10-4 with lunch!
Project Updates:
Zombie Survival:
-Going swell, yaay organization, yaay menu
Project Jack:
-Added a game mode, something something progress, something something dark side
EMT Merci:
-Coding roles assigned, trying to find someone for gui work
LeEK Engine:
-There is sound and a hierarchy of objects
-April 23rd 12-2
-April 26th 10-4 with lunch!