UMBC Ebiquity Research Meeting
Rapalytics! Where Rap Meets Data Science
Abhay Kashyap
10:00am Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014, ITE 346
For the Hip-Hop Fans: Remember the times when you had those long arguments with your friends about who the better rapper is? Remember how it always ended up in a stalemate because there was no evidence to back your argument? Well, look no further! Rapalytics is a one-stop site dedicated to extracting and presenting all the important analytics from Rap lyrics that separate a good rapper from a great one!
For the Data Science Nerds: Remember how indestructible your trained NLP tools were? Want to see how they act under pressure from text they have never seen before? Come take a look at how traditional NLP tools fair against text as complex as Rap and explore opportunities to design and build systems that handle much more than well-formed English text.