UMBC’s Multicore Computational Center will host the Second Workshop on Frontiers of Multi-Core Computing on 22-23 September 2010. The workshop will involve a wide range of people from universities, industry and government who will exchange ideas, discuss issues, and develop the strategies for coping with the challenges of parallel and multicore computing.
“Multi- (e.g., Intel Westmere and IBM Power7) and many-core (e.g., NVIDIA Tesla and AMD FireStream GPUs) microprocessors are enabling more compute- and data-intensive computation in desktop computers, clusters, and leadership supercomputers. However efficient utilization of these microprocessors is still a very challenging issue. Their differing architectures require significantly different programming paradigms when adapting real-world applications. The actual porting costs are actively debated, as well as the relative performance between GPUs and CPUs.”
The workshop is free but those interested should register online. See the workshop schedule for details on presentations and timing.