The W3C has published a second working draft of EmotionML, or the emotion markup language, Here’s how it’s described.
As the web is becoming ubiquitous, interactive, and multimodal, technology needs to deal increasingly with human factors, including emotions. The present draft specification of Emotion Markup Language 1.0 aims to strike a balance between practical applicability and scientific well-foundedness. The language is conceived as a “plug-in” language suitable for use in three different areas: (1) manual annotation of data; (2) automatic recognition of emotion-related states from user behavior; and (3) generation of emotion-related system behavior.
Unfortunately EmotionML is not built on RDF. If it were, I would have marked up this post in RDFa using it!
The working draft identifies concrete examples where EmotionML might be useful including as a markup or representation for systems that do opinion mining, sentiment analysis, affect monitoring, and emotion recognition. A list of 39 individual use cases for EmotionML are given in an appendix.
EmotionML markup explicitly refers to one or more separate vocabularies used for representing emotion-related states. However, the group has defined some default vocabularies that can be used. An example is the Ekman “big six” basic emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprised). Another is the a set of appraisal terms defined by Ortony et al. (desirability, praiseworthiness, appealingness,, desirability-for-other, deservingness, liking, likelihood, effort, realization, strength-of-identification, expectation-of-deviation and familiarity)
Here’s an example from the working draft where a static image is annotated with several emotion categories with different intensities.
<emotionml xmlns="" xmlns:meta="" category-set=" hall-matsumoto-emotions.xml"> <info> <meta:media-type>image</meta:media-type> <meta:media-id>disgust</meta:media-id> <meta:media-set>JACFEE-database</meta:media-set> <meta:doc>Example adapted from (Hall and Matsumoto 2004) 2004_hall_and_matsumoto.pdf </meta:doc> </info> <emotion> <category name="Disgust"/> <intensity value="0.82"/> </emotion> <emotion> <category name="Contempt"/> <intensity value="0.35"/> </emotion> <emotion> <category name="Anger"/> <intensity value="0.12"/> </emotion> <emotion> <category name="Surprise"/> <intensity value="0.53"/> </emotion> </emotionml>
rdfs:seeAlso the short article by InqoQ on the EmotionML working draft.