2013 Research Experience for
Undergraduates* *(REU) Program in Computational Sensing and Medical
Robotics* at The Johns Hopkins University in the Computer Integrated
Surgical Systems and Technology Engineering Research Center (CISST
ERC) / Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics (LCSR).
REU program is an intensive ten-week program of laboratory research
and instruction. In the program, each REU student receives hands-on
laboratory research experience under guidance from faculty and
graduate student mentors. The students will also receive classes on
ethics in research and technical communication. The students will have
the opportunity to tour a local government laboratory and a private
company. *The students will be provided housing and a stipend of
$4,500 for the 10-week period will be paid.*
I would greatly appreciate, if you can pass on to your students the
promotional flyer that I am sending with this communication. The
deadline to apply is February 1, 2013. Your students can access our
online application in the following link: - lcsr.jhu.edu/Education/REU
<https://www.lcsr.jhu.edu/Education/REU> around December 15, 2012.
I have also attached the flyer for the “Summer Research Expeditions”
program at Johns Hopkins. The website for this program is available at
cs.jhu.edu/sre <http://cs.jhu.edu/sre>
If your students have any questions, they can reach me at 410-516-6841 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 410-516-6841 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
or email me at asampath@jhu.edu <mailto:asampath@jhu.edu>
Thank you very much.
Anita Sampath
Sr. Academic Program Coordinator