The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) was approved in 2015 by the NIH Office of Biotechnology Activities. The IBC is responsible for ensuring that all recombinant DNA or synthetic nucleic acid moleculesresearch as well as research with transgenic animals and biohazardous materials (such as bacterium, fungi, algae, potential infectious agents and select agents) conducted at UMBC and sponsored by external/internal funding be performed in compliance with the NIH Guidelines and with proper concern for the safety of research personnel, the environment, and the surrounding communities.
Below are important items to consider when working with the IBC: Prior to working with any of the materials mentioned above, an investigator must submit an application form to the IBC and follow committee approval before any research begins.
Information on IBC procedures and application forms can be accessed using the following link: (
If you are an investigator with approval prior to 2015 from Environmental Safety and Health please see the following link for IBC overview to determine if your studies require submission of an IBC application for review:
For further information and assistance in preparing IBC applications, please contact us at 5-2737 or