Attention Mechanical, Chemical, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science Majors:
Advising appointments for Spring 2014 registration have already started. All students must meet with an academic advisor for pre-registration advising. If you have not already met with an academic advisor, please come to ITE 202-206 to sign up for an advising appointment.
This year, you will see that both individual and group advising appointments are available.
Individual appointments require approximately 30 minutes of your time and give you the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns individually with your advisor. Students who attend
an individual appointment will be cleared to register during their appointment.
Group advising appointments require approximately 30 minutes of your time and give you the opportunity to review your registration plans with multiple advisors. Students who attend group advising will be cleared to register during the group advising session.
If you attend group advising, you may still sign up to meet with an advisor individually to address any additional questions or concerns you may have. However, an individual appointment is not required.In order for this process to go as smoothly as possible, we ask all students to come to the hallway outside ITE 202-206 to sign up for group advising or for an individual advising appointment.
Please note: Students who have completed the gateway requirements for their major and are not in their first semester at UMBC generally have faculty advisors. If you are assigned to a faculty advisor, you should contact your advisor to schedule an appointment. If you are unsure whether you have a faculty advisor or not, you may come to the hallway outside ITE 202-206 to review the list of students with faculty advisors.