October 1, 2009 (0riginally published by UMBC Insights Weekly)
From: Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, President, and Elliot Hirshman, Provost
One of the hallmarks of UMBC as an Honors University is the outstanding caliber of its faculty. Each year, dozens of faculty members undergo a comprehensive and rigorous review leading to promotions in rank and, for some, the awarding of academic tenure. The standards for promotion and for tenure at UMBC are very high, and successful candidates must demonstrate that their contributions in scholarship/research/creative activity, teaching/mentoring and service to their profession, the University and their academic department, meet those standards, as appropriate for their position and rank.
During academic year 2008-2009, 20 faculty members were reviewed successfully for promotion and tenure or for promotion to the rank of professor.
Promotion to Associate Professor with tenure:
Geography and Environmental Systems
Jeffrey Halverson
Christopher Swan
Mechanical Engineering
Marc Zupan
Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
Ana Oskoz
Airi Yoshioka
Jessica Pfeiffer
David Schultz
Visual Arts
Cathy Cook
Promotion to Professor:
Biological Sciences
Charles Bieberich
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Daniele Fabris
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Hillol Kargupta
Penny Rheingans
Emergency Health Services
Richard Bissell
Mechanical Engineering
Dwayne Arola
Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
Edward Larkey
E. Michael Richards
Political Science
Devin Hagerty
Public Policy
Dave Marcotte
Visual Arts
Dan Bailey
James Smalls
Two Lecturers were reviewed successfully for promotion to senior lecturer: Steven Caruso, biological sciences; and Eric Anderson, physics. Finally, two faculty librarians received promotions: LaTanya West was promoted to librarian II with permanent status, and Kathryn Sullivan was promoted to librarian III.
We congratulate all of these individuals for their academic excellence and look forward to their continuing success at UMBC in the years to come.
Original Story: http://umbcinsightsweekly.wordpress.com/