The SGA officers elected last month to serve for 2010-2011 were sworn into office today on the Commons Terrace. Here is the oath they took:
I do solemnly affirm
that I will faithfully execute
the office of {title}
of the UMBC Student Government Association,
and will, to the best of my ability,
promote and defend
the interests and well-being
of UMBC’s undergraduate students
Above: The 2011 SGA Finance Board--Sekinah Hassan, Tehmeena Hassan, Rosy Chirayath, Jessica Ji, Morgan Russo
Above: The 2010-2011 SGA Senate--Benjamin Smith, Toby Le, Matthew McNey, Damani Lewis, Dylan Cook, Chidi Agha, Jasmine Batchelor, Vikram Bambawale, Sumit Bose, Gift Jayakar (not pictured: Alex Gaines)
Above: 2010-2011 SGA Vice President for Student Organizations William Joyner, Treasurer Kaylesh Ramu and Executive Vice President Richard Blissett
Above: 2010-2011 SGA President Yasmin Karimian