The newly-launched Grand Challenge Scholars Program is centered around the National Academy of Engineering's 14 Grand Challenges facing society:
* Sustainability: Solar energy, Clean water access, Energy from
fusion, Nitrogen cycle, Carbon sequestration
* Health: Better medicines, Health informatics
* Security: Urban infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Prevention of nuclear
* Knowledge / Joy of Living: Personalized learning, Virtual reality,
Reverse engineering the human brain, Tools for scientific discovery
Students in the program will complete three one-credit GCSP seminars (GCSP 301, 302, and 401), exploring the Grand Challenges and designing a personalized program around their interests. Each student will identify GC-related experiences in research, interdisciplinary work, entrepreneurship, global perspectives, and service learning. Students who successfully complete all program requirements will receive formal designation at graduation as an NAE Grand Challenge Scholar. (Note: The program is currently under review and pending approval from NAE.)
Applications are open through March 25 (though late applications will also be considered).
There is one remaining informational session being held on Thursday, March 10, from 4:00-5:00pm (cookies provided!), in ITE 325B.
For more information:
* UMBC Grand Challenge Scholars Program (including application and selection requirements) -
* NAE Grand Challenges -
* NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Programs -
Please feel free to email with any questions about the program.