Cryogas corporation has been purchased by Praxair and with the purchase, certain changes in delivery will be implemented.
Some of the changes:
Deliveries will be once a week, but the deliveries will be in increments of 240 liters as opposed to the 160 tanks we used to get.
Tanks will be filled, instead of swapped. We used to have Cryogas take tanks which were under a quarter full and replace them with a full tank. Refilling the tanks will allow us to have a more accurate cost of actual usage compared to the prior service.
The second floor tank will be locked in the space with the dry ice. If you need a key for this room please come by the Administrative offices to get one.
Helium, Argon or any other high volume cryogen needs to be ordered on an as needed basis. Please ask Creighton Smith for details.