Hello everyone,
This is a reminder that the applications for STRiVE Leadership Retreat and Alternative Spring Break close this Sunday, November 6th at midnight! Make sure to get your applications in before the deadline. This is an leadership opportunity you do not want to miss! The descriptions and application links are listed below:
Alternative Spring Break
A week long service-learning trip that challenges students to combat civic issues underlying larger societal concerns. ASB will leave participants with a sense of comrade, compassion, and empathy for the people of the world.
This year’s trips: Homelessness, Public Health, “Seeing Baltimore,” and Gesundheit.
Application: https://docs.google.com/a/umbc.edu/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftIs0j3qqd7eNTcNFfARA8InnI-tBBf1ffjjU1S9jvC4DstA/viewform
STRiVE Leadership Retreat
STRiVE participants hone leadership skills, develop campus and social change projects, build community and have a lot fun. STRiVE's many activities will keep you engaged, and you'll emerge feeling confident, inspired and connected. Participants' ratings of the retreat have been off the charts. 100% of former participants say they'd recommend STRiVE to a friend.
Application: https://studentlifeumbc.wufoo.com/forms/2017-strive-participant-application/