Saturday, September 25, 2010
Commons 3rd Floor
Are you ready for a competitive job market? Do you know what it will take to find the job you want? When should you start? How will you sell yourself?
It's time to get on the ball! All graduate and undergraduate students graduating May ’11 and December ’10 are invited to join the pros for a full day JOB SEARCH TRAINING CAMP. Don't be left behind. We're offering an outstanding line up to make sure you're prepared to make it to the major leagues (or at least a paycheck)! Topics covered include:
•Orientation to the on-campus interview program (application deadlines start mid-September!)
•Maximizing UMBCworks, the campus’ online job bank/resume database
•Employer mock interviews and resume critiques.
•The art of networking
•The how-to’s of effective job searching
•Building resumes and cover letters
•Acing the Job Interview
Due to the length and extent of this program, the cost of this all day workshop is $35. Registration and payment must be received by Friday, September 17.
Visit our website to register.