Hi everyone,
I wanted to let everyone know that BioCOM Ethical Debates (B-Ethical for short) is returning to campus and has grown from the bioethics debates that we hosted in the spring.
We're planning three debates and one discussion. While the dates, times, and rooms are still being sorted out, I can give you a sneak peak into this semester's topics: the ethics of animal testing, a seminar on genetically modified organisms, the ethics of voluntary euthanasia, and the possibility of humanoid convergent evolution on other planets.
To stay up-to-date on all things B-Ethical, be sure to check out our website at http://b-ethical.webs.com/ or to join our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/683267741728332/. And, of course, if you are interested in other things related to BioCOM in general, be sure to contact President Omar Koita at koita1@umbc.edu and join our myUMBC group!
Chair of Bioethics Debates Committee
Biology Council of Majors