Putting Black Casting on Blast
A New Short Documentary Film on the Casting Industry
“Putting black casting on blast” is a 4-minute documentary video that analyzes the film and television industry’s morbid lack of diversity through tracing the problems to its roots—standards of casting. My sister Maya and I both act, we are accustomed to having to read for “urban” roles that utilize improper language to paint all of Black society in a way that does not reflect the majority of our population. With degrading phrases such as “All American” and “Girl Next Door”, the casting industry gets away with racism in saying “we can’t picture a non-white in this role”, but what’s even worse is the fact that “Female, 19” means “Female, 19 white” unless otherwise specified.
The inaccurate notion that non-whites wont sell is played out and constantly proven wrong by top modern shows such as “Orange is the New Black” “Scandal”, and “Cosmos”. People want to be able to see themselves in characters, and not just metaphorically speaking. This inability to define the phrases “female/male” is taking away so many jobs from actors of all colors who are perfect for countless roles, but the only reason they aren’t desired is strictly skin deep.