Damsel in Distress: Part 1 - Tropes vs Women in Video Games
Anita Sarkeesian-Video Game Changer - Tropes without Trolls
This video explores how the Damsel in Distress became one of the most widely used gendered clichés in the history of gaming and why the trope has been core to the popularization and development of the medium itself. As a trope the Damsel in Distress is a plot device in which a female character is placed in a perilous situation from which she cannot escape on her own and must then be rescued by a male character, usually providing a core incentive or motivation for the protagonist's quest.
The Tropes vs Women in Video Games project aims to examine the plot devices and patterns most often associated with female characters in gaming from a systemic, big picture perspective. This series will include critical analysis of many beloved games and characters, but remember that it is both possible (and even necessary) to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of it's more problematic or pernicious aspects.
For more examples of the Damsel in Distress see FF's Tumblr for this series: http://tropesversuswomen.tumblr.com
Visit http://www.feministfrequency.com for more information, videos and a full transcript. This video series is created by Anita Sarkeesian and the project was funded by 6968 awesome backers on Kickstarter.com
Comments for her videos are closed for obvious reasons if you are familiar with the backstory. She provides more information on Cyber mobs and gendered online harassment during her TEDxWomen talk on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZAxwsg9J9Q
Jay Smooth's Summer 2012 reaction to the cyber mob: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9rj3ahynFU