Jonathan Edwards
“Upon a review of the statement given by Mr. Edwards as to his early religious experience, it is evident that he was not one who could satisfy himself upon any insufficient grounds: not a symptom of carelessness or of presumption can be discerned; he looked upon himself with a holy jealousy; he thought, he read, he conversed, and above all he prayed, that he might be enabled more accurately to search his own heart, and thus escape the danger of self-deception, and be convinced by proofs which would stand the test of the judgment of God, that he was a child of light, a subject of holiness, and an heir of glory. And thus studying himself under the penetrating light of the word, and the gracious influences of the Spirit of God, he acquired that exact knowledge of the various inward exercises and outward displays of the Christian character, which enabled him in after-years, with such skill, to separate delusive appearances from those which are solid, and to mark the strong difference between the mere professor of the name of Christ, and the actual partaker of the power of the gospel. It was in these early years of his life that those correct views were formed which afterwards expanded in his admirable treatise on Religious Affections.”
As Jonathan Edwards continued to grow in the Lord, he became more and more confident that it was God’s work in him that brought him life and not his own, and he endeavored to live this out with all that he could. To him it wasn’t just about knowing certain religious rules or interesting facts about God, but it was about having a real life, intimate relationship with God that overflowed in worship and prayer. As he lived this way, Edwards grew more and more into the wonderful life that God had for him. A life that was more and more in line with God’s calling.
Let’s pray that just like Jonathan Edwards, we too would get caught up in the wonder, majesty and calling that God has over our lives. Let’s ask that this would not just be about outward appearances, but that we would be transformed in this relationship with God from the inside out.
Source: Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume 1, Birth — Parentage — Early Religious Advantages — Serious Impressions and Account of his Experience.